Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Foto Seksi Belahan Dada Tante Meriam Bellina

Meriam Bellina

Meriam Bellina

Meriam Bellina

Meriam Bellina

Meriam Bellina Biography :

Meriam Bellina has the full name Ellisa Meriam Bellina Maria Bamboe, born in Bandung, West Java, 10 April 1965. She is a multi-talented actress with a career started as a model, singer, film star and also the big screen.

Princess Maria Theresa and G.H. pair This Bamboe, started acting debut through the film virgins, who starred as a teenager.

Mer, so called normal, never won an Image FFI (1984) as a major player the best woman in the movie LOVE BEHIND stains. His career was getting stuck when starring in films NOTES SI BOY, who starred together Onky Alexander and Didi Petet.

On the way in the world of film, Meriam Bellina fairly brave doing hot scenes in her time. Women's Dutch ancestry, to get a degree as Bomb Sex Indonesia at that time.

As a singer, had released the album Mer Symphony Fly, For A Name and Learn Singing, although not as successful a career in the film. Yet his songs, So Beautiful, Longing and Initially Normal Only, a song of nostalgia legend until now.

Now the cannon, still exist to support the art of acting. In the current Indonesian film quiet, Meriam Bellina also supports a number of soap operas and films.

Once back on acting in soap operas, Meriam Bellina had a chance in the world of the big screen. The actress is rumored to have a relationship with the famous lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea was playing in the movie LOVE AND edelweiss. In this film, Meriam Bellina back didapuk portray antagonist.

Although always denied the special relationship with Hotman, but finally let the public know Hotman about their closeness. In fact, reportedly, Hotman give Ferrari a luxury car as dowry in their marriages.

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